Monday, August 26, 2013

Between Structure and Flow

SA-200 Magic Mushrooms 047The August 2013 Monthly Seminar had as its focus the rather provocative enquiry of what lies between structure (or stasis) and flow.

On one level this could be about the way we train. In kihon-waza (basic practice) often the training is slow, static even, methodically working out the composite steps in the technique. At the other end of the scale in applied technique everything is over in an instant with it being hard to say whether it was a shihonage or a variation of kotegaeshi or a breath-power throw (kokyunage) that lies at the root of all aikido projections.

In this seminar then we explored that movement from static technique to flowing movement; from basic technique to applied interpretation.

First, starting from shomenate (the upward strike to the face, as opposed to shomenuchi, the downward strike to the top of secret pinky techniquethe head), we first worked with ikkyo omote ( the first immobilisation done to the front), finding the right line and the sweet spot where the partner’s balance and stability is most affected.

Thereafter, we added an additional element where the attacker offers a slight resistance at the meeting point preventing the hand from being led upward. In that moment, we practiced doing a kaiten (pivot) to blend in the (new) direction and consequently projecting the training partner downwards into a kokyunage.

Then, having overcome our ingrained (seemingly natural) impulse to resist the attack, we moved onto shihonage through a series of basic body movements: meet and blend with the attack, tenkan – kaiten – irimi – kaiten.

Finally we returned to our original impulse by moving into ikkyo in spite of the attacker’s change of tack and offered resistance. Stepping forward as the attacking partner pushed in the opposite direction meant that the defender got hooked or stuck at the point of contact, maybe even knocked off centre and out of posture. A mistake if you will.

kotegaeshi-sharief-cropEven in this place we discovered that movement was possible: meet and blend–irimi –tenkan–irimi–kaiten with a hand change at the second irimi movement created the conditions for a small wrist turn throw, or kotegaeshi.

So here we learn that it is possible to recover from a “mistake” if we are willing to let go of our preplanned movement, to regain our centre and take another step essentially. However, that step is just another basic step.

So between stasis (or structure) and flow we discovered there is Space:

  • Through our engagement, we create the space into which either tori or uke can move through our body movements (irimi, tenkan, kaiten etc.). The resultant vortex is a place into which the technique may flow;
  • There is always enough space – through the application of an appropriate body movement that emanates from the centre. Amazingly, even in ‘confronting’ a frontal attack, through the proper alignment of the body in a wedge-shaped triangle, it is possible to step into and through the attack;
  • moving through that space requires sound application of basic footwork – a sure-footedness that stems from clear, unambiguous placement of one’s body in relation to another. Only where that is present are the two training partners able to navigate the ‘unknown’ contained in the space that is opened up; and
  • Lastly, in that space between stuckness and flow is ‘Listening’ – not the intellectual listening and working out, but rather a sensing through the body of what must happen next, allowing the full capacity of the body’s millions of nerves and neurons to fire and analyse in that split second, unconsciously, what movement is called upon.


Wednesday, August 07, 2013

First day - Preparation

Tuesday 6 August, 2013

This day started with early morning practice at 07h00 in the open air dojo near the field that encourages a sense of expansiveness in the training. Given the mix of people practising - from complete beginners in Aikido to a 4th kyu from Germany and a nomadic shodan (1st degree black belt), we focused on laying some foundation stones for the practice:

Starting with tori-fune, the traditional rowing exercise that marks the beginning of the first class of the day, we rowed out to the notional island that is the dojo where we could practice untrammeled by any other concerns or the previous night's dreams. Tori-fune is the basis of all of aikido movements as it emphasises movement from one's centre and the principle of "centre first, limbs after". Tori-fune also emphasises the maintenance of postural and structural integrity whilst moving through space, shifting weight without over-extending.

Thereafter we became more acquainted with 3 basic ways of moving:
  1. irimi (entering with the body) both forward and back (also known as ayumi ashi or entry step) 
  2. kaiten - swivel or pivot; and
  3. tenkan - 180 degree turn
Thereafter, we moved onto 3 combination body movements:
  1. irimi-kaiten: stepping forward then swiveling resulting in the creation of a forward spiral. This was especially well experienced whilst a partner held onto a participant's wrist who then walked around a tight centre but creating more and more centripetal force
  2. irimi-tenkan: stepping forward then turning 180 degrees, resulting in a   rearward spiral; and finally'
  3. tenkan kaiten: that eventually forms the basis for shiho-nage or four corner throw
Over the coming days we will build on these foundation stones and explore more how these and other aikido principles, movements and techniques might hold practical significance in our lives in general.
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The Dojo in the Village

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Between Form and Structure

Between white and black there is iridescent green and brown.
When flow meets structure, the river sings
Creating its own melody: quick, quick, slow, slow
Oh so slow, quick, slow, quick.

Where flow meets structure, new life emerges
In crevices and cracks, transforming meeting
Places into miniature verdant living spaces.

When form meets structure, there is movement
Over stillness – and stillness creating new movement.

Deep potholes form as transported little rocks
Jostle each other in the flow,
Where flow and structure meet.

Rocks liquefy, droplets solidify
In the touch both are transformed.
Time is the ever-present partner
When flow and structure meet. 

(ghalib galant 2013)

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Back to the Village

Monday 5 August, 2013 Sitting at OR Tambo airport, waiting to board my flight to Harare, flying into what? Zimbabwe and the rest of the region seems to be in a state of euphoria or shock depending on one's relative support for ZANU PF and the ageing strongman, Robert Gabriel Mugabe. An erstwhile liberator who has held that country in his thrall for over 30 years, he is set to rule for at least another 5 year term- his 7th. Rival MDC-T garnered 38% of the vote, in contrast to ZANU PF's 61%. Even a united opposition would not have made a dent in this 2/3 majority in this high-stakes, winner-take-all election game. Of course stories of vote-rigging, dead voters and intimidation abound. Most of those sound like the sour grapes of the opposition who was completely outmanouvered by an arch-strategist. Noneteless, some Zimbabweans have spoken. And so the future is certain - that it is as uncertain as it has been for several years now.

So what am I flying into? That will be revealed when i touch down later tonight. I am also flying into the unknown in another aspect - to attend a Warrior of the Heart training at the Kufunda Learning Village just outside Harare. A blend of aikido and hosting conversation practices, this training has come at the right time; a time I feel called to do more of both in this part of the globe I call home. Looking forward to the journey over the next 10 days - both inward and outward.