Sunday, April 07, 2013

Back to the Village

Monday 5 August, 2013 Sitting at OR Tambo airport, waiting to board my flight to Harare, flying into what? Zimbabwe and the rest of the region seems to be in a state of euphoria or shock depending on one's relative support for ZANU PF and the ageing strongman, Robert Gabriel Mugabe. An erstwhile liberator who has held that country in his thrall for over 30 years, he is set to rule for at least another 5 year term- his 7th. Rival MDC-T garnered 38% of the vote, in contrast to ZANU PF's 61%. Even a united opposition would not have made a dent in this 2/3 majority in this high-stakes, winner-take-all election game. Of course stories of vote-rigging, dead voters and intimidation abound. Most of those sound like the sour grapes of the opposition who was completely outmanouvered by an arch-strategist. Noneteless, some Zimbabweans have spoken. And so the future is certain - that it is as uncertain as it has been for several years now.

So what am I flying into? That will be revealed when i touch down later tonight. I am also flying into the unknown in another aspect - to attend a Warrior of the Heart training at the Kufunda Learning Village just outside Harare. A blend of aikido and hosting conversation practices, this training has come at the right time; a time I feel called to do more of both in this part of the globe I call home. Looking forward to the journey over the next 10 days - both inward and outward.

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